Guide To Your Neck Support Cushion

A well designed cushion for neck support can help maintain the head and neck and cervical spine in proper alignment. Regular use of a quality neck support cushion pillow can help to ease the pain of neck strain and cervical back pain and help to take the strain off your neck and head and help you to lead a pain free life.

There is no doubt that back and neck pain is one of the most common medical complaints. Americans spend billions of dollars every year to receive treatment for back and neck problems. This makes back and neck pain one of the most costly aspects of health care. Cervical spine problems are less common than lumbar or mid back pain but can be no less debilitating. Cushions that support the neck and throat are ergonomically designed to cradle the head while supporting your neck.

What’s Neck and Cervical Back Pain:

What is Neck Pain

You know, there are several major causes of back and neck pain, much of which is said to be attributable to injury and degenerative diseases such as arthritis. Arthritis can be a naturally occurring disease or can develop as the result of injury. Degenerative disc disease is another commonly reported cause of cervical spine problems.

As we age, the discs between the vertebrae begin to shrink or atrophy. Since the discs act as both spacer and shock absorber, any shrinking of the disc can compromise both of these functions. The result can be pain and a loss of mobility.

In several key locations along the spine, nerve roots travel out from the spinal cord. In the cervical spine there are eight vertebrae, classified in medical texts as C1 through C7. The eight cervical nerve roots control and provide feedback from such structures as the hands, head, neck and the muscles of the upper body. Each vertebra has facets of bone that glide against each other and provided additional stability to the spine.

If the spacing between the discs is reduced, the facet joints are more likely to move against each other in a way that puts too much pressure on these structures. Diseases such as osteoarthritis can develop producing bone spurs that can cause vertebrae to move abnormally against one another. Since we move our head and neck almost constantly throughout the day, cervical pain can be a real problem.

You’ll be surprised to know that owls have the remarkable ability to turn theirs heads 135 degrees, in either direction. This incredible range of motion is due to the owl’s unique cervical anatomy and allows the owl to literally look over their shoulder. The design of our cervical spine allows us to move our head and neck approximately 180 degrees. Though it is not quite the same range of motion as say, an owl, we still enjoy a great deal of mobility.

In addition to providing a safe enclosure for the spinal cord, the cervical spine must support the weight of our head. The average human head weighs between 10 and 12 pounds and places quite a load on the cervical spine and the muscles that support it.

Not all cervical pain is related to anatomical changes or disease processes. The cervical spine is a complex structure and has many muscles and tendons attached that provide support and control movement. Injury to or straining any of these muscles can cause pain in the cervical back pain. The pain may last from just hours to days or even longer. Seeking relief from back pain takes many people on a trip to a doctor, or to questionable remedies that are not medically sound.

Necessity of Competent Medical Care:

Late night television, magazines, newspapers and cyberspace are chock full of advertisements for elixirs and magic bullets claiming to cure back pain. From magic potions and pills to magnetic stimulation devices, we are bombarded with bad and often dangerous solutions to back pain. Separating fact from fiction usually requires a visit to a qualified medical professional.

Final Verdict:

This information is only provided in the general interest. Only a qualified medical doctor is able to correctly diagnose and treat back pain. When it comes to coping with back and neck pain, remaining pain free while sitting or sleeping can be a journey of self-discovery and using a neck support cushion can help you to avoid these disturbances. You can also get a detailed cushion guide here. The information contained in this article is not a substitute for receiving quality medical care that includes an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Always ask your doctor if the use of a neck support cushion or other device is appropriate for your situation.

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